• Automotive

    Hot Lotto – Are They Stopping the Lotto Game?

    Hot Lotto was initially successful and profitable during its first decade; however, sales began to decrease and profitability eventually evaporated. Therefore, Mary Neubauer of the Iowa Lottery made the decision this fall to end it due to an evaluation of its performance, according to Neubauer’s spokespersonship for Iowa Lottery. Hot…

  • Legal & Law

    How to Play the New Lotto Game

    No guarantee exists for any of these strategies to work, but evidence to back them exists. One option is using a computer program to analyze odds of winning; another approach might be reviewing previous drawings to try and spot patterns. It’s also wise not to limit yourself by only selecting…

  • Health & Fitness

    Can I Make Money With Forex Trading?

    To trade Forex, you need a broker – someone who gives you access to the Forex market – who gives you access to it. Brokers can be found online or at financial institutions. A demo account with one will allow you to test out investing real money before taking the…

  • Gaming

    Can Mormons Drink Herbal Tea?

    Mormons may enjoy various beverages, including coffee-flavored desserts like iced mochas and cookies as well as herbal tinctures flavored with coffee. Furthermore, many Mormons enjoy cold drinks like non-alcoholic apple juice, milk and non-caffeinated sodas as cold refreshments. Mormons are advised against drinking hot beverages like coffee and tea because…

  • Automotive

    Do Not Research Vacation Hotel Too Much

    Avoid booking both flights and hotels at once to reduce costs; doing so could result in higher hotel room demand at that time, leading to less competition for available rooms. Instead, book airfare six or seven weeks in advance, then reserve hotels closer to your arrival date. Avoid overanalyzing by…